EASYLAWS™ is an application explaining the law in a simple “Question & Answer” format. At Easy Laws, we believe that the Rule of Law concerns every person living in a society. It defines the individual’s rights and duties; therefore, the law shouldn’t be addressed only for a small group of people like lawyers, judges and jurists rather it should be stated in a comprehensive format easily understood by nearly everyone.
Easy Laws team is made of qualified legal researchers who will read the law, interpret it, and extract questions and answers from the material in hand. Our objective is to use a plain and simple language to make your experience in reading a very enjoyable one.
Below are the most important features included in Easy Laws:
* Questions & Answers:
Easy Laws is build in a Q&A format where each Question has a simple and easy Answer for it.
* Notes:
Explanatory Notes are added to each Q&A to clarify more the answers of each question.
* Examples:
Examples taken from real-life experiences are added to each Q&A to make the explanation easier to understand.
* References:
A reference to the original law text is added to each Q&A as a document of proof to make the explanation more accurate.
* User Interface:
The UI is provided in 3 languages (Arabic, French and English).
* Smart Search:
With every search made, all Q&A and subjects related to the word(s) searched will appear in a smart way according to their relevance. Moreover, the information now is provided in Arabic, but our search engine will still understand all 3 languages (Arabic, French and English) used in the search bar.
* Related Topics:
We will give you suggestions to all related Subjects of the topic you searched for.
* Favorite:
you can add any question or subject to your favorite list for easier access later.
* Ask a Question:
In case you have any question or remark, you can communicate with us directly through our “Ask a Question” section.
* Comments and Rates:
you can still rate any Q&A by giving it a Thumb Up to like it or a Thumb Down to dislike it. Your comments are valuable to us, for that you may comment on any Q&A when needed. Our team will review each comment and will take it into consideration.
* Subjects:
Subjects are organized in a hierarchy list for a simple and easy way to get to the Q&A. Main Subjects included in Easy Laws are:
- Elections: Voting Rights, Campaigns, Election Lists, Disabled People’s Vote, Expatriates’ Vote, etc.
- Labor: Holidays, Warnings, Rest, Salaries, Employee Rights and Duties, Work Accidents, Employer, Complaints, Domestic Servants, etc.
- Traffic: Vehicles, Signals & Signs, Pedestrians, Vehicle Registration, Vehicle Accidents, Driving License, Traffic Violation; etc.
- Schools: Teachers' Strike, School Fees, Parents Committee, School Budget, etc.
- Accidents: Damages & Compensations, Neighbors’ Damage, Construction Accidents, School Accidents, etc.
- Companies: Offshore, Holding, Limited Liability Company, etc.
- Marriage: Religious Marriage, Civil Marriage, Mixed Marriage, Age of marriage, etc.
- Building: Renovation, Common Sections, Building Committee, Curtains, Pergola, etc.
- And much more like Self-Defense, suicide, Miscarriage, Adultery, Drugs, Custody, Investigations, Computer Crimes, etc.
Easy Laws main objective is to help the society recognize its rights according to the governing laws, thus enhancing the person’s social responsibility. Easy Laws serves as a third party true and independent opinion, therefore helping the user take better decisions. Easy Laws aims toward enhancing the user’s legal education in different fields using a simplified language that is easily accessible to a large group of the society.
Life makes us face different situations and expects us to always take the right decisions, for that Easy Laws is your Friend-In-Law.
Got a Question? Write to support@easylaws.me